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Friday, 13 April 2012

FPGA design of a controller for a CAN controller (Electronics Project)

This work describes how an FPGA is designed to control a CAN controller. It describes the different tools used when working with Actel’s design tools and the sequence of work applied. It gives a short overview of a multiplexer, the CAN bus, an analog/digital-converter and some more information on the actual FPGA.
It also brings up the design process of the FPGA, planning, coding, simulating, testing and finally programming the FPGA. The different parts implemented in the FPGA are a shift-register and two state- machines that are connected with each other. They work together to control the SJA1000 CAN controller made by Philips. They also receive data from the analog/digital-converter that they forward onwards to the CAN controller that forward the data on the CAN bus.
Source: Linköping University
Author: Andersson, Robby


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