Generation of Electricity Using Road Transport Pressure
Energy is the basic need for the development of the modern world. For meeting up the regular demand of energy we need to design a system that will produce electricity without destroying the nature.
This paper attempts to show how man has been utilizing and optimizing kinetic energy. Researches show that the world has already had its enough shares of its energy resources. Fossil fuels pollute the environment. Nuclear energy requires careful handling of both raw as well as waste material. The focus now is shifting more and more towards the renewable sources of energy, which are essentially, non-polluting.
This paper attempts to show how energy can be produced, stored and used using the road transport pressure or any kind of pressure. The number of vehicles passing over the speed breaker in roads is increasing day by day. There is possibility of tapping the energy and generating power by making the speed breaker as a power generation unit. The generated power can be used for the lamps near the speed breakers and this will be a great boon for the rural villages too.
Source: IJESIT
Author: Md.Saiful Islam | Syed Khalid Rahman | Jakeya sultana Jyoti
Source: IJESIT
Author: Md.Saiful Islam | Syed Khalid Rahman | Jakeya sultana Jyoti
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