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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Vision-Based Automated Parking System

Vision-Based Automated Parking System

Parking of cars in a parking area is becoming a difficult task as the number of cars increases while the number of parking spaces is finite. As a result, people would spend a certain amount of time looking for parking space and thus cause a situation where the traffic would be slowed down and cause congestion. The situation of looking for parking space and traffic congestion in parking areas is due to the fact that the information of available parking spaces is not readily available to the people looking for parking spaces.
         This project describes an approach to overcome a situation of monitoring and       managing a parking area using a vision based automated parking system.

Vision based automated parking system to develop this application we are using a Web cam ,PC, lcd, RFID Reader, key,4 LED, Stepper Motor And in addition to this an ARM 7 Controller is used.
Initially camera will give space information and this data is stored in PC. Controller receive data from PC and display on LCD. When any new person come to park the car ,he is press the enter key , the controller send request statement to PC show space details on LCD, if any space is empty then gate is open, if no space don’t open gate. The parking space is indicated by blinking LED, display the space number in LCD. When the car person enter in to the parking area , the car driver punches RFID tag ,the information stored in the controller. when car retrieve prom the parking space again he punch the ID card, LED will be switched ON And that information will be stored in the controller .
In this project for demo purpose we are showing only 4 spaces. For each parking space connected one one led. If led is ON then parking space is free, OFF means no free space for parking. In this parking slot 1st and 3rd position area is big and 4th and 2nd position is small. because considering saving space and vehicle size.

Block Diagram:

Parking slot                                     
                                 4                    3                    2                  1

                             LED 4            LED 3          LED 2         LED 1      

1.      Embedded C
2.      Keil Compiler
3.      Flash Magic
4.      DOTNET
1.      Microcontroller – ARM 7.
2.      RFID Tag
3.      RFID Reader
4.      PC
5.      Alpha numeric LCD Display
6.      Key
7.      Web Cam
8.      LED
9.      Stepper Motor


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