Road Geometry Classification by Adaptive Shape Models
Vision-based road detection is important for different
applications in transportation, such as autonomous driving, vehicle collision
warning, and pedestrian crossing detection. Common approaches to road detection
are based on low-level road appearance (e.g., color or texture) and neglect of
the scene geometry and context. Hence, using only low-level features makes
these algorithms highly depend on structured roads, road homogeneity, and
lighting conditions. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to classify road
geometries for road detection through the analysis of scene composition and
temporal coherence. Road geometry classification is proposed by building
corresponding models from training images containing prototypical road
geometries. We propose adaptive shape models where spatial pyramids are steered
by the inherent spatial structure of road images. To reduce the influence of
lighting variations, invariant features are used. Large-scale experiments show
that the proposed road geometry classifier yields a high recognition rate of
73.57% ± 13.1, clearly outperforming other state-of-the-art methods. Including
road shape information improves road detection results over existing
appearance-based methods. Finally, it is shown that invariant features and
temporal information provide robustness against disturbing imaging conditions.
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